Social Outreach


 Consider joining one of our Facebook Groups/Pages

HOPE TBI – FACEBOOK (FB) (online support and information Group)

HOPE TBI Co-Op and Exchange (donate items needed to others, acquire needed items  – no selling or vendors allowed here)

HOPE TBI – Facebook Page (we have a Facebook page; this is separate from the Support Group.  Remember to “LIKE” us on Facebook)

Follow us on Twitter: HOPE TBI (@hope_tbi)

Contact us:

You can follow our Blog by entering your email address to keep up with our latest and greatest (if on computer – right hand side of page; if on phone scroll to bottom to enter your email).

Thank you for visiting the HOPE TBI Website.

Please take the time to make a comment, share your thoughts, and tell us what impacted you the most and what brought you here:

Your input is important to the development and growth of this website, and we like to know what is going on out there in your thoughts.

Thank you for visiting us! We look forward to hearing from you.